
Meditation and Mindfulness Classes

Walk-ins Welcome | Trained Reiki Healers | All Level of Classes

Walk-ins Welcome
Trained Reiki Healers
All Level of Classes

Welcome to the World of Mindfulness

In mindfulness meditation sessions we practice being more present, accepting, patient and compassionate. By approaching our experience in a relaxed, alert and openhearted manner, we can better navigate all aspects of life, even the parts that are difficult. Attending weekly classes is suggested to gain the cumulative positive effects of meditation and to sustain an at-home practice necessary for long-term change.

Many people report feeling relaxed, calm, or peacefulness during meditation practice. But occasionally when we unplug from the usual distractions and noises of our busy day, anxiety or other unpleasant sensations/emotions can arise. Call 888-555-1212 or request more information today! 

How Does Mindfulness Work?

Mindfulness relaxes us and makes us less reactive. There are many studies that confirm the effectiveness of mindfulness in reducing stress, depression, anxiety and increasing levels of self-acceptance and self-awareness. 

Mindfulness allows us to see through the lies of this self-judgement as we start to recognize and feel our own natural wellness. We are less needing to ‘improve’ or change ourselves as we accept more and more our life and ourselves, just as we are.

Research has shown time and time again that mindfulness shows measurable and significant benefits to people including less stress, less anxiety, greater focus, calm and happiness.

Meditation Sessions

Meditation is now recognized as one of the great tools to a healthy mind and body. Learn how to set up a meditation practice, the practices that will lead to a deep meditation, and the basics of the science of mantra.

The benefits of the mental repetition of a mantra and the chanting of mantras are immeasurable. Mantras open the heart, fill the mind with purity, and generate harmony and divine love.

Proven Benefits of Meditation

The tangible benefits of meditation can be felt every day. Our innovative approach can help you reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, and overcome other stress-inducing habits in every day life. But the ultimate benefit of meditation is mindfulness, a quiet rebellion against the to-do list. 

Mindfulness meditation is about closing a few of those tabs in your brain’s browser to help you better manage stress. It’s about letting go of the past and putting the future on hold so that we can focus on the present, where life actually happens.

Start a Healthy Meditation Habit at Down Dog

Meditation is a lot like going to the gym. You can’t just think about going, you actually have to go. And you have to keep going to see results. We make it easy for you to do both. Our inviting studio, welcoming community and guided group meditation classes will help you establish a meditation routine you can stick to.  Call 888-555-1212 or request further information about our meditation sessions and how to get started today!
Special Offer
30 days
for $30

New to Down Dog Yoga? Try our studio for 30 days for only $30! Call today for more details.

“I feel deeply grateful for the opportunity to take lessons at Down Dog Yoga. The guide did a really great job of facilitating a safe and nurturing environment in which everyone was appreciated and cared for.”

Anne C. 

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